Tuesday, October 4, 2011

天元突破グレンラガン [COMPLETE!]


せんしゅうのじゅうまつを しましたか?そうですね、どようびに りゅでべんきょしました そして フットボールゲームを みました。にちようびに シカゴに いきました。ローズモント シアターで(Rosemont Theater) Dream Theaterのコンセートをみました。すごい!!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

まいにちの せいかつ!

ごぜん ろくじ わたしわ おきます。あさごはんを たべません。ごぜん はちじは がっこうに いきます。ごご にじゅうじさんじゅうごぷん ひるごはんを たべます。ごご いちじごじゅうごっぷん じゅぎょうが あります。しゅくだいを します。ごご くじよんじゅうごっぷん DPAC にいきます。Glee Club。りょうへや しゅくがいをします っと べんきょうします。。。おます

Always busy busy busy.....never a moment's respite. I can hardly keep up -_-....

Sunday, September 4, 2011


はじめまして!私は 下がるぢアデス!せんこうは いがく っ戸 てつがく!プエルトリコじん(sp?)
Well everyone, it's time again for another chapter in the life of an Otaku! And like any proud Otaku, it stand to reason today's post will be about anime! Anime (an manga of course) is one of those few things that, no matter what, give me a little joy during the day. Although, ND seems to want to make my watching anime an arduous process considering the amount of time I would need to dedicate to thoroughly enjoy it on a regular basis. However, ND will not deter ME, and it won't deter YOU!

Now, I've watched a lot of anime, and it's hard to make a decision, but I think you guys deserve to know what my favorites are and why. I like an anime with an engaging story line, intellectual stimulation, rationality (yes, I'm saying I don't like Bo bo-bo bo bo-bo-bo), and above all else: the ability to evoke EMOTION. Among these anime are Death Note, Code Geass, Full Metal Alchemist (both), Blood + (masterpiece) and Blue Submarine #6. Now, I like a Bleach and a Naruto just as much as the next guy but they don't have the maturity other anime do....

The list could keep going for a while since the last time I made a list I had watched (but not necessarily completed) over fifty anime but....in all honesty...there's one that stands atop the pedestal as my favorite anime. I watched it during a part of my life when I was undergoing a phase of emotional development. The anime that was present during this crucial part of my life was Eureka Seven. Eureka Seven has it all! Comedy, Action, Giant Robots, Science Fiction, Loss, Growth, and just.....LOVE. That emotion that so many try to capture in their art but so few manage to truly develop. Eureka Seven IS love.....my heart aches every time I see it.....

Friday, August 26, 2011

My first week learning Japanese

Well, things are going faster than I expected, that much is certain. I wonder how complicated the course will get after we move past the basic hiragana. I guess there's no use in worrying about it now because, hey, this is the opportunity I've been waiting for. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find an intensive program that teaches Japanese in Puerto Rico. Well, in any case, I'm glad to be part of the class and making new friends with similar interests. I think this will be the course I most enjoy this first semester at Notre Dame. Until next time fellow bloggers, Sayonara!