Friday, August 26, 2011

My first week learning Japanese

Well, things are going faster than I expected, that much is certain. I wonder how complicated the course will get after we move past the basic hiragana. I guess there's no use in worrying about it now because, hey, this is the opportunity I've been waiting for. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find an intensive program that teaches Japanese in Puerto Rico. Well, in any case, I'm glad to be part of the class and making new friends with similar interests. I think this will be the course I most enjoy this first semester at Notre Dame. Until next time fellow bloggers, Sayonara!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My Otaku senses...they EXPLODE

    What is that I see in the background...
    Lucky Star, Bleach, Beck, Air Gear, Tsubasa Reservoir, TWEWY, XXXholic, FMA, O-Haruhi-sama, One Piece, Daath Note, Soul Eater, D.Gray-man, Nanoha (Vivio!),Naruto, and perhaps Hikaru no Go?

    What'd I miss? My Otaku pedigree is at stake, here!

  3. This font strains my eyes.

    Aside from what you mentioned I see Yoko's hairpin from TTGL, the Code Geass eye thing, and I think that's Mugen's sword from Champloo on the right but not 100% sure. There's my contribution to Spot-the-Reference おたく edition.

  4. You guys did well! I think you got everything.

  5. I really like your blog name~~ to put it this way, before I actually memorized any other Japanese words, I memorized OTAKU by heart, perfect description of me as well.

  6. こんにちは おたく :) 

  7. こんにちは おたく!

    あのう、すむません I was wondering if you could give me a crash course on all the anime...I clearly only got なると...I'm surprised on how so many people get into Japanese anime definitely need to catch up on it.

