Wednesday, September 14, 2011

まいにちの せいかつ!

ごぜん ろくじ わたしわ おきます。あさごはんを たべません。ごぜん はちじは がっこうに いきます。ごご にじゅうじさんじゅうごぷん ひるごはんを たべます。ごご いちじごじゅうごっぷん じゅぎょうが あります。しゅくだいを します。ごご くじよんじゅうごっぷん DPAC にいきます。Glee Club。りょうへや しゅくがいをします っと べんきょうします。。。おます

Always busy busy busy.....never a moment's respite. I can hardly keep up -_-....


  1. So to follow up to your post on my blog,
    I have seen Gantz on my manga reading website and thought about trying it out, but just haven't gotten around to it yet. (it's on my list, though haha). I was actually in San Diego when the second live adaptation film premiered in the US, but I never got a chance to actually see, which was a bit of a bummer. Anyhow, was kinda curious what other anime/manga you like.
    Side question: is your background associated with Bleach? I'm only about half through the anime, but the sword looks like it belongs in that show.

  2. It's a juxtaposition of different anime but the sword is unmistakably Ichigo's Zangetsu shi-kai from Bleach.

  3. Yor are in Glee Club?That's legit! すごいですね!!!!

  4. ありがとう ございます!
